The development of a thorough and well-informed Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) plan paves the way for a healthier workplace environment. An organization is as good as its components that co-exist not in homogeneity, but across various strata and dynamics. A workplace environment consists of multiple cultures, experiences, characteristics, conditions, etc, which makes it imperative to develop an inclusive and diverse HR strategy.
Equity revolves around the concept of equal opportunities which is the birthright of every citizen of a country. A very common diversity present in a professional work environment is that of People with Disabilities. This puts them on a pedestal facing stereotypical thought processes that they may be any less than their colleagues or peers. However, an inclusive DE&I plan ensures the presence of equal opportunities and fair treatment irrespective of what the case of diversity or differences may be. Some multiple angles and standpoints should be looked into and taken into consideration when such a plan is being formulated, as stated below.

1. Do your research Everything is available on Google today. In the 21st century, it is highly essential to educate oneself concerning one’s involvement, especially in a professional environment. Before moving on to creating a plan, educate yourself about the case at hand. For example, if dealing with employees who may be experiencing cognitive disabilities, you must educate yourself on what it is, the causes as well the solutions for the same. If an employee is facing BPD (Bipolar Personality Disorder), then it may be considered to hire a workplace counsellor, reduce professional stress and conflicts, etc.

2. Collect the required Human Resource Management (HRM) data Use methods of data collection that have the option of anonymity for those who may not be comfortable with revealing their identity. Additionally, the collection of data on the parameters of demographics, learning style, personality type as well as life experiences may be feasible to give space to the employees in figuring out where they fit.

3. Develop effective objectives When formulating an effective Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy, it is an essential prerogative to come up with a vision of where it is going. Formulate effective objectives to keep clarity on the direction of the plan. This also enables the organization to evaluate its mistakes better and enhance its DE&I implementation and performance.

4. Ensure Business goal and DE&I plan synergy The vision, missions and goals of your business should be an imperative factor to take into consideration while formulating a DE&I plan. An equitable, inclusive and diverse workplace environment driven towards the business objectives of your organization forms a profitable synergy for both the employees and the owners of the organization.

5. Develop plans to retain employees Employee retention is the most important and sustainable step in onboarding team members. It is essential to strategize a sustainable, long-term plan to maintain the consistency and progress of the team members. Frequent evaluations and one-on-one meetings will help you gain insight into the personal experiences of the employees.

6. Survey and Review Schedule surveys and reviews of your team to ensure that everyone is comfortable and the goals of the DE&I plans are met. For instance, medical disabilities such as arthritis or cognitive disabilities such as ADHD or Depression need regular check-ins to ensure that the required standards of workplace hygiene are met.

7. Effective communication Diversified groups require the trough communication suitable for each group to be informed enough. This will enable you to make a well-informed and structured DE&I plan. Especially in cases such as disabilities, it is essential to be sensitized and gain awareness to provide them with the right solutions while also maintaining business standards.

8. Branding and Marketing An organization is branded in many ways, one of them being its vision and policies. An inclusive environment with equity can be marketed well enough to reach the right audience. Additionally, building a brand image that involves a well-thought-out DE&I plan in turn portrays the morals and conduct the company stands for.

9. Re-evaluate HRM policies frequently In addition to formulating policies revolving around diversity, inclusion, and equity, especially in the case of employees possessing disabilities, there is a frequent need for improvising policies. There is always a gradual evolution in humans and their traits/experiences/needs. This allows us to rehash and keep up with it.

10. Customer relationship management (CRM) Involvement – Involve the same in CRM Policies involving diversity, equity and inclusion that are extended to customers allow holistic management of their relationship with the company. The diverse strata of customers, especially consisting of those with disabilities, need a different approach in terms of CRM. It requires a more mindful and sensitised take which will be a better fit for enhanced customer management and database hygiene.

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