

Many Lives

The partners we work with are leading the way, creating an INCLUSIVE WORKFORCE. Here are few of them!
Join our Social Impact Journey
Corporate Partners
Employee Volunteers
Community Impact

End-to-end Volunteering Engagement support to ensure:
The social sector continues to grow and innovate in this rapidly changing world
Corporate employee volunteering interests aligns to the community needs and corporate goals, to create maximum impact
Volunteering activities boosts employee's morale and work productivity

We are Your End-End Employee Volunteering Engagement Partner

Sign Language Session
Let us build a positive & inclusive workplace to drive change towards inclusion

Audio Book Recording
Introduction to Volunteering for Visually Impaired and insights into the Blind Culture

Onboarding Volunteering
We give a global onboarding experience aimed at unleashing inclusion and maximizing the potential

Family Volunteering
A great way to bring your kin closer together, get involved in communities and working towards a common cause

About us
Inclusive workplaces are now a reality. We may now find the need to alter mindsets, address fears and confusion, break stereotypes and bust myths around issues related to People with Disability.
At GiftAbled, we have exactly what you might be looking for. Be it our Introduction to Disability, the Senior Leaders’ Sensitization or the workshop on Neurological disabilities, we have received amazing responses and take great pride in calling them popular.
Our Awards

Tata Social Enterprise

Community Service Award by Rotary Bangalore Centennial

Best Social Entrepreneur Award by Hand in Hand