Giving Back

18th & 20th May, 2022

We Invite you to Celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2022

Join us to Embrace Global Volunteering Opportunities

Paint the Bottles

The volunteers along with children will paint bottles in bright colours. The volunteers will help the children bring out their most creative ideas of making the bottles look more beautiful and vibrant

Origami Making

Origami Making

The volunteers along with children will be divided into groups wherein the volunteers can teach the children to make different designs of origami. The volunteers will explain the design made by them.Each group will make 4 designs

Mentoring sessions

The volunteers will help the beneficiaries in resume building, mock interviews, and how to introduce yourself during the interview. The aim of the activity is to help the beneficiaries with the confidence of appearing for interviews and helping them clear interviews

Mentoring Sessions
Story Telling

Story Telling

The volunteers will tell different stories to children based on good health, greetings, etc. While they are telling the story the volunteers also will enact the story by using different props. The aim is to help children learn new things during the activity

Benefits of Gardening

The volunteers will teach the children the benefits of gardening and how to use house waste to do gardening. The aim is to teach the children how helpful gardening

Benefits of Gardening

Our GAAD 2022 events in india

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