Giving Back

18th & 20th May, 2022

We Invite you to Celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2022

Join us to Embrace Global Volunteering Opportunities


Global Audio Book Recording for the Blind and The Disadvantaged

Lend you voice to record Educational Materials, Stories and Novels for Visually Impaired and the Disadvantaged from the developing countries.

18th May

Sign Language Workshop

Estimated 72+ million people are deaf worldwide. Sign language plays a major role in developing the Deaf identity and creating economic opportunities.
Understand the Deaf world in their own language. Learn Basics of Sign Language, a major component of Inclusion and start communicating with your deaf colleagues and friends.

20th May

International Immersive Disability Sensitization – A Senior Leaders Workshop

GiftAbled presented a Specially Curated International Immersive Disability Sensitization Workshop for Senior Leaders. They enhanced their knowledge on interacting with People with Disabilities with confidence and learnt skills to promote Inclusivity in their organisation.

15th June

Our GAAD 2022 events in india

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